Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Carol Martin Collection

It looks like her dressing table chair and perfume tray were a couple of the items that Carol insisted on taking when she moved in with Mike and the boys.

I'm wondering if Florence Henderson brought these in, just as the kids were asked to bring some things in of their own for the bedroom set.

Here are two other items that the girls brought from The Tylers house into the new house at 4222 Clinton Way


  1. Cool! I wish the boys had kept their bedroom furniture from their old house too, it had an Ikea style to it. 🙂

  2. I find it funny that the bedrooms after the pilot were still similar in style to the pilot layout. The girls had their beds and the door in the same place.

    1. Ha yes. When they were starting the series, I can imagine them saying, "well this is how did it in the pilot"
