Monday, June 13, 2022

SAFE Detergent On The Waltons -1980/81

In the final season of The Waltons, Ike Godsey's store was stocked with The Bradys' Safe Laundry Detergent.  It would be interesting to hear how it ended up at Warner Brothers. It does seem like it was created specifically for that Brady Bunch episode.  The name "Safe" and the box was so prominent in the episode, "And, now a word from our sponsor" 


  1. Bachu here. For some reason I cannot log in to post. The box to the right of the Safe box in the first Walton photo looks like one of those boxes seen in the Brady cupboards in episodes where they arrive home with shopping and put the boxes away.

    1. Hi, sorry just saw this. Hope you can log in to this site ok! Not sure what is wrong

  2. Awesome find.
