Thursday, August 15, 2024

Television Set Design Using Raised Platforms

Sets are often given raised platforms as seen below. Usually impractical and unrealistic, but it always adds a nice look and depth to the composition when photographing a set. 

Mannix 1970s

The Fall Guy 1985
Here's Lucy 1968

Mannix 1973
The oddest, raised room yet.  You could fall off the living room and hurt yourself.

The Brady Bunch certainly made use of platforms on their set. The foyer, and the raised level of their back wall, which held the staircase and Mike's office

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved the 70's look.I grew up in a split level house that had a sunken family room.In fact I actually have my living room done up in a 70's look.Who knows,it may actually come back in style!
