Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Brady Bunch Horse on Mannix

This horse appeared in an episode of Mannix in April 1969. It looks like the Bradys famous horse statue, and I wonder if it's the same one taken out of Paramount storage and painted for the Bradys living room in September 1969.


  1. The Mannix horse has its right leg lifted. The Brady horse has its left leg lifted. Perhaps they were a matching pair.

  2. Yea,took me a while to orient the leg that is lifted. They went to great lenghts to replicate the horse for the Brady house renovation. I think they 3d printed part of a leg on it.

  3. Before reading the comments, I was going to say it very well could have been the same horse, but thinking reasonably, similar horses have been seen in shows and movies for decades prior so doubtful they were all the same statue.
