Saturday, February 04, 2023

Brady Bunch on Paramount Stage 6

Though The Brady Bunch set was famously on Paramount Studios Stage 5, it is interesting to see the call sheet for the episode "Hair-Brained Scheme" which filmed partly on Stage 6. Greg's bedroom must have been located here permanently, and for this episode they had sets here for the Bradys laundry room, and the beauty parlor where Carol and Greg run into the other students.

Actors are given numbers for the call sheet for the duration of the series.  Because Robert Reed was not working this day, (he is not in the episode) as #1 on the call sheet, he has been removed from this days schedule. Also missing #11, #12, #14 who would have been the three actors that worked another day as the neighbors when Bobby and Oliver were selling hair tonic. The Brady Kids #5 thru #10 don't have make-up call times, but are scheduled at 9:30am for school. #15, and #16 are marked as "new" because it is their first call of the shoot.


  1. Thanks for those call sheets. When i did a rewatch of TBB over the last couple of years, I took endless screengrabs of the sets. Something I noticed about the revised laundry room used in seasons 4-5 (I think) is that though it always looked the same, the cupboards were often different; had different handles etc.

  2. This is fascinating! Thank you

  3. The upstairs hall closet also changes a bit. Sheves come and go and the lightswitch swaps positions and styles. Makes you think, wouldn't it have been easier to save the set than rebuild part of it.
