Sunday, August 28, 2022

Brady Neighbors

This part of the set was not used very often, and when it was the camera was usually aimed pretty tight on the front door.

Because the show seldom left Stage 5, scenes that required other neighbors' homes were just doorways placed over the Brady's own front door set. Therefore, all the other neighbors always had the same single step, same size gray landing and a long wall on the right-hand side. It is an exact match of the Bradys' formation. 
The shot below is great.  It is about the only time you can ever see the unique Brady geometric walkway on the interior set.  In fact, the camera is pulled so far back that the end point of the fake walkway on the set is visible!

1 comment:

  1. I have just finished a rewatch of the TBB. I think in the last episode, Bobby and Oliver went door to door selling hair tonic and one of the porches was clearly the Brady residence door.
