Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Coming In The Back Door

Even with a large front door, and 3 glass double slide doors (all facing the driveway), people sometimes entered the Brady kitchen through Alice's bedroom and the laundry room.

This was likely easier than resetting lights, set pieces and cameras around to face the reverse direction of the doors.


  1. So awkward. How in the heck do you even get to that service porch door, through the bushes along the side of the house?

  2. They could have had them enter from off camera. On the plus side we got to see through that door unlike the door at the top of the stairs. In season 3, the laundry machines are visible through the laundry room door where previously you could just see a cupboard.

  3. Service porch = service entrance, BUT it would have been located in an unseen out of the way area on the opposite side of the house from the driveway. How would anyone even know there was a door back there if they weren't informed of it in advance? The renovated house doesn't even have a "back" door now, nor a service porch nor an avocado washer and dryer.

  4. This also reminds me of the obscure gate on the fence that faced the rear side of the property. We saw Alice sneak in through it when the kids were babysitting themselves and Greg called the police because he heard a noise outside. "Yes sir, I heard it twice." The Brady set rear property line and set were straight across behind the house, along with the cinder block stage, with a backdrop that showed other houses behind it, such as situated on a parallel running street a block over. What the real house on Dilling Street has is an approximate 45 degree angled rear property line that sits on the banks of the concrete viaduct Los Angeles River, now with a huge shopping center and parking garage visable across the viaduct in which the front of is situated on Ventura Boulevard.
