Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Filming In The Brady Residence

The Bradys had a fondness for decorating their lovely home with random and unnecessary furniture.

This was likely done by the Director of Photography to just simply fill in the camera frame. Without it, the stark empty space would look even worse. Imagine if these chairs weren't placed there.

Similarly, when not in use, every Brady table top always had some kind of centerpiece or prop filler on it. 

Typically, when an actor was in a scene at the table, the centerpiece would literally have disappeared.


  1. The chair at the front door can be handy for donning/removing shoes.

  2. The centerpieces didn't surprise me-seeing them disappear when Bradys were around did though! Thanks for always coming up with something new, Johnny :)

  3. The chairs in the hallway were just placeholders and like Johnny said, without them the hallway flanked by door would be a drab and confusing setting. My mother used to place centerpieces on tables just as decoration when we weren't using them. They would be lifted up and set aside when we all actually sat down to eat, played games, etc.
