Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Eric Shea

with Ann B. Davis in "Cindy Brady, Lady"
and Gene Hackman in "The Poseidon Adventure"

Monday, May 16, 2016

Behind The Scenes Of "My Fair Opponent"

In "My Fair Opponent" it appears that close-ups for the outdoor scenes at Fillmore Junior High, were done later on the Bradys backyard set. Here you see a two-shot with the Brady girls:
 and then close-ups with Maureen McCormick were done inside on the Brady set with the backyard wall behind her.
In the following scene, the girls are still outside, and the close-up of Debi Storm was done inside in the same spot.  (Even adding a water fountain and student extras walking by in the background).
(For reference, photos of The Brady yard below:)